Other bits
A bit more to get your teeth stuck into

Screen printing is a hobby I pick up from time to time. I joined a print studio in Peckham back in early 2019 and have been a member ever since.

Cycling is another big passion of mine. It’s a great way to reconnect with nature, which feels especially important when working a desk job.

Camping is one of my favourite pastimes—nothing beats the smell of an open fire, a cold beer in hand, and good company. Pure bliss.

Penhill is an outdoor clothing brand I launched over a year ago as a passion project, inspired by the rugged beauty of my home county, Yorkshire. Now, I'm excited to explore its potential and see how far it can go. Stay tuned!

Much to the surprise of a few writers at the time, I entered and won an internal writing competition a few years back at TMW with this piece for Dogs Trust.

A ChipShop Award entry that was shortlisted from a couple of years ago

Another ChipShop entry that was shortlisted.

A spec idea I presented during lock-down, reminding customers to wear masks in Greggs stores.